SPARQL By Example (tutorial)


SPARQL By Example

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San Jose, CA, USA
Lee Feigenbaum and Eric Prud'hommeaux

As the query language of the Semantic Web, SPARQL is a key foundational technology to finding answers and building software based on the Semantic Web. This hands-on tutorial will teach you everything you need to know to be proficient in SPARQL, from the ground up. No previous knowledge of SPARQL is assumed. In the tutorial, we'll use real queries that can be run against real data on the Web to learn about the structure and features of SPARQL, how to create, evolve, and debug queries, and how to run queries against SPARQL endpoints around the Web. The tutorial will cover all of the details of the SPARQL standard and will also discuss common extensions. We'll also discuss the work currently underway on version 2 of SPARQL.