BCP47: Language and Locale Identification


BCP47: Language and Locale Identification

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Coordinated Universal Time
San Jose, CA, USA
Addison Phillips

In 2006, the IETF issued an updated version of BCP 47 "Tags for Identifying Languages", which updated the way languages are identified in most computer programs and protocols. The latest version of BCP 47 (2009) incorporates over 7,000 new languages and many other improvements. This presentation, from the authors of the updated and previous RFCs, covers:

  • the format of language tags and the language subtag registry
  • the matching algorithms for comparing language tags to user preferences
  • plus distance-based algorithms
  • the new features in BCP 47 and their impact on developers
and how BCP 47 is being used in:
  • Unicode locales (CLDR)
  • prominent open-source libraries such as ICU
  • companies such as Google and Amazon