Accessibility: It's for Everyone and Everything


Accessibility: It's for Everyone and Everything

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Coordinated Universal Time
Seattle, WA, USA
Shawn Henry

Accessibility is a key aspect of high-quality web sites, yet the benefits of accessibility for web designers and for web users are not widely understood. Yes, accessibility is critically important for users with vision, hearing, physical, and cognitive disabilities. But the fundamental design practices behind accessibility also streamline the site-development process and open the doors to key markets, such as mobile phones and other alternative browsing devices.

Accessibility is also on the forefront of cutting-edge technical development—with the W3C's standards draft for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA), for example.

The bottom line: following today's best practices for accessibility is a great way to make your web site shine for users on the front end, and for developers on the back end. Learn how the latest specifications and development practices can expand your audience, streamline your development, and make your sites available to everyone and everything.

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