The Policy-Aware Web meets Virtual Goods


The Policy-Aware Web meets Virtual Goods

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Coordinated Universal Time
Poznan, Poland
Renato Iannella

The Policy-Aware Web is the promise for supporting policy management at the Web infrastructure level. A policy is any set of rules or statements that capture and express the requirements of individuals and organsaitions from a corporate, legal, best practices, and/or social perspective. Currently, policy languages exisit that cover and broadly address the privacy, access control, and obligation management areas. However, what is missing is an overall framework and architecture for these policy languages to interoperate and provide an accountable, enforceable, flexible and trusted experience for the web community. This talk will review the technology challanges that face the Policy-Aware Web, the current policy specifications and the supporting standards and the road forward towards an enhanced web architecture. The goal is to provide a balance between creators, distributors, and consumers of digital goods by providing an open and transparent framework to transact and exchange digital items over the policy-savvy web.