W3C Ubiquitous Web Applications Activity - reaching out into the physical world of sensors and effectors


W3C Ubiquitous Web Applications Activity - reaching out into the physical world of sensors and effectors

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Event details

Coordinated Universal Time
Bristol, United Kingdom
Dave Raggett

Mobile phones are now commonplace, and Moore's law is slashing the cost for adding connectivity to device microcontrollers. This is opening up opportunities for applications in homes, offices, shops, mobile and automotive etc. The challenge is how to develop applications involving a diversity of devices, product generations and networking technologies, whilst preserving security and privacy.

W3C is applying technologies such as markup, event-driven scripting, and the Semantic Web to enable an ecosystem of developers, device vendors, network operators and websites. This talk will explain how W3C intends to reduce the cost for delivering an effective user experience across a wide variety of devices and browsers, and how to fulfill the promise of ubiquitous networked devices through standards for device coordination and remote user interfaces.