Mind the Gap: Seeking holes in the markup-related standards suite


Mind the Gap: Seeking holes in the markup-related standards suite

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Coordinated Universal Time
Montréal, Canada
hris Lilley, James David Mason, and Mary McRae

The XML 1.0 specification was admired for many things, among them its simplicity and brevity. The XML spec has since been joined by many other associated specifications and standards, not all of them simple, few of them short. There are specifications for vocabularies, constraint languages, transformation and formatting languages, data models and functions, packaging and encrypting specifications, and for a wide variety of other things one can do with, to, or about XML. Many of us think there are too many XML-related specifications. However, we continue to identify holes in the markup-related suite of standards: areas in which new specifications would be useful. In this session the audience will suggest (to representatives or members of several organizations that develop and/or promulgate XML-related specifications) areas in which new specifications would be useful. This will be an information gathering activity, not an evaluative process; all suggestions and heresies welcome.