Converting into pattern-based schemas: A formal approach


Converting into pattern-based schemas: A formal approach

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Coordinated Universal Time
Montréal, Canada
Fabio Vitali, Antonina Dattolo, Angelo Di Iorio, Silvia Duca, and Antonio Angelo Feliziani

A traditional distinction among markup languages is how descriptive or prescriptive they are. We identify six levels along the descriptive/prescriptive spectrum. Schemas at a specific level of descriptiveness that we call "Descriptive No Order" (DNO) specify a list of allowable elements, their number and requiredness, but do not impose any order upon them. We have defined a pattern-based model based on a set of named patterns, each of which is an object and its composition rule (content model); we show that any schema can be converted into a pattern-based schema without loss of information at the DNO level. We present a formal analysis of lossless conversions of arbitrary schemas as a demonstration of the correctness and completeness of our pattern model. Although all examples are given in DTD syntax, the results should apply equality to XSD, Relax NG, or other schema languages.