Where Would We Be Without Unicode?


Where Would We Be Without Unicode?

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Coordinated Universal Time
Washington DC, USA
Richard Ishida
At last count, there are somewhere north of 1,000 software industry standardization organizations, all established at least in part to guarantee some sort of interoperability and portability between systems. And most places you turn, Unicode is the standard that drives that interoperability -- from readable documents outlining the standard specification, to runtime compatibility on-the-wire or across the API. In this keynote panel, leaders of standards organizations will explain how they rely on the Unicode standard to forge ahead with their own standards, and how the future of Unicode, in internationalization, localization and globalization, will support their own standards programs. Other industry experts will detail how Unicode is key to enabling new capabilities and relate the business reality of supporting additional languages. Finally, trends in upcoming standards with respect to the emerging markets and new scripts in Unicode as well as when and how they will be leveraged will be discussed.