DPVCG Meeting Call 02 MAR 2022
  • Past
  • Confirmed


Event details

Greenwich Mean Time
Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group ( View calendar)

Dial in info: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/internal-dpvcg/2020Sep/0000.html Meeting link shared on the internal (members-only) mailing list.

For non-members, please request the link to chair (me@harshp.com)


Minutes of last call: https://www.w3.org/2022/02/23-dpvcg-minutes.html

  1. Proposal for modelling jurisdictional concepts: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2022Feb/0006.html Review period: until MAR-31
  2. Information about upcoming proposals and timelines: consent, standards (e.g. ISO 27k), technologies (databases etc.), applications - ROPA, DPIA
  3. Review pending proposals in spreadsheet / mailing list / GitHub isues (continuation)
  4. Modelling of benefits and detriments
  5. AOB

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