
Schemata Discussion - Follow up from TPAC23
  • Past
  • Confirmed
  • Breakout Sessions


Event details

Coordinated Universal Time
Vladimir Alexiev, James Anderson, Dörthe Arndt, Scott Beeker, Robin Berjon, Alexandre Bertails, Peter Bruhn Andersen, Kurt Cagle, Nicholas Car, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Wei Ding, Adrian Gschwend, Ivan Herman, Ege Korkan, Tomoaki Mizushima, Enrico Morisi, Octavian Nadolu, Mahda Noura, Marcel Otto, Dave Richardson, Jan Romann, Manu Sporny, Dominik Tomaszuk, Kunihiko Toumura, Thomas Wehr
Big meeting:
W3C Breakouts Day 2024 (Calendar)

As a follow-up of Schemata Breakout of TPAC23, we want to further discuss ways to manage ontologies, schemas, and similar documents together. In the scope of the Thing Description Task Force at the Web of Things WG, we have analyzed some approaches such as LinkML, TreeLDR, Eclipse Semantic Modelling Framework, that we want to present. We have also identified that the topic of versioning, packaging, and serving these resources is a pressing topic that is not specific to the WoT. After these, we want to discuss on how to better continue the discussions in this topic area within the W3C.



Ege Korkan

As a follow-up of Schemata Breakout of TPAC23, we want to further discuss ways to manage ontologies, schemas, and similar documents together. In the scope of the Thing Description Task Force at the Web of Things WG, we have analyzed some approaches such as LinkML, TreeLDR, Eclipse Semantic Modelling Framework, that we want to present. We have also identified that the topic of versioning, packaging, and serving these resources is a pressing topic that is not specific to the WoT. After these, we want to discuss on how to better continue the discussions in this topic area within the W3C.


Discussion and Collection of Opinion


  • Recap of the TPAC2023 Breakout
  • Results of the analysis of tools at the WoT WG
  • Versioning, packaging and serving resources
  • Continuation of the work


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