RDF-star WG weekly meeting
  • Past
  • Confirmed


Event details

Eastern Daylight Time
weekly on Thursday, starting from 2023-03-16, until 2023-05-18
RDF-star Working Group ( View calendar)


  1. Scribe: Taelman, Ruben (alternate: Thibodeau, Ted)
  2. Approval of last week's minutes: 1
  3. Review of open actions, available at 2
  4. Review of pull requests, available at 3
  • Every pull request that is labeled as "spec:editorial" are considered non-controversial, unless labeled with "needs discussion"
  • Other pull requests that go through a call without being challenged are considered "good to go"
  1. Define "First Public Working Draft" (FPWD) process: 4
  2. Use case proposal by Peter: 5
  3. Update on process concerns/proposal: 6
  4. Any Other Business (AOB), time permitting
    Next week's scribe: Thibodeau, Ted

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