
Standardizing managed user agent behavior
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Central European Summer Time
Azalea - Low Level
David Baron, Kenneth Raymond Diaz, Reilly Grant, Swetha Sivaram, Jeffrey Yasskin
Big meeting:
TPAC 2023 (Calendar)

Most popular user agents support “enterprise management” features which gives device owners control over the user agent. These features can modify the user-facing behavior of the user agent, such as by automatically configuring bookmarks or the home page, or by disabling features such as integrated developer tools. They may also affect web-exposed behavior of the user agent such as by automatically granting or denying permissions. Recent incubations have also proposed new APIs which would only be exposed to sites when running on a managed browser.


Reilly Grant, Jeffrey Yasskin

Most popular user agents support “enterprise management” features which gives device owners control over the user agent. These features can modify the user-facing behavior of the user agent, such as by automatically configuring bookmarks or the home page, or by disabling features such as integrated developer tools. They may also affect web-exposed behavior of the user agent such as by automatically granting or denying permissions. Recent incubations have also proposed new APIs which would only be exposed to sites when running on a managed browser.

Explore how to approach standardization when these management features have web-exposed behavior.


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