
CNAMEs as a privacy tool for the web / Bounce Tracking Mitigations
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Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni — North Tower 4th floor
Johann Hofmann
David Benoit, Vittorio Bertocci, Christian Biesinger, Judith Bush, Hong Cai, Brian Campbell, Tim Cappalli, Kristen Chapman, Alex Cone, Domenic Denicola, Nick Doty, Chris Fredrickson, Sam Goto, Kaustubha Govind, Yi Gu, Artur Janc, Benjamin Kelly, Don Le, Chris Lemmons, Brian May, Guillermo Movia, Theresa O'Connor, Michael O'Neill, Vinod Panicker, Tommy Pauly, Gregorio Pellegrino, Philipp Pfeiffenberger, Daniel Rojas, Rachit Sharma, Russell Stringham, Tom Van Goethem, Greg Whitworth, Jeffrey Yasskin, Paul Zuehlcke
Big meeting:
TPAC 2022 (Calendar)

CNAME records have a reputation as a tool to circumvent resource-blocking and specific privacy measures. However, if used properly, they can help websites integrate third-party services without requiring third-party cookies, providing a great privacy benefit. We want to discuss how browsers could support privacy-preserving usage of CNAMEs while preventing potential abuse. Joint session with a brief overview of chrome's proposed bounce tracking mitigations following the CNAME discussion.


Facilitators & speakers: Johann Hofmann, Greg Whitworth

Session type: open discussion

Summary: CNAME records have a reputation as a tool to circumvent resource-blocking and specific privacy measures. However, if used properly, they can help websites integrate third-party services without requiring third-party cookies, providing a great privacy benefit. We want to discuss how browsers could support privacy-preserving usage of CNAMEs while preventing potential abuse. Joint session with a brief overview of chrome's proposed [ bounce tracking mitigations] following the CNAME discussion.


  • Hear about developer use cases and user concerns, kick off an open-minded discussion on the utility of CNAMEs. Maybe get some agreement across browsers on next steps.
  • Increase aware of bounce tracking mitigations and solicit feedback on the proposal.

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