
Fenced Frames API
  • Past
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  • Breakout Sessions


Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
Parksville — North Tower 3rd floor
Dominic Farolino
Leonardo Balter, Christian Biesinger, Aykut Bulut, Judith Bush, christin cai, Brian Campbell, Alex Cone, Domenic Denicola, Nick Doty, David Ezell, Sam Goto, Yi Gu, Charlie Harrison, Sarah Heimlich, Richa Jain, Artur Janc, Randell Jesup, Josh Karlin, Michael Kleber, Alex Koshelev, Camille Lamy, Chris Lemmons, Andy Luhrs, Brian May, Michael O'Neill, Gregorio Pellegrino, Simon Pieters, Daniel Rojas, Sid Sahoo, Vincent Scheib, Shivani Sharma, Russell Stringham, Zachary Tan, Sergey Tumakha, Tom Van Goethem, Yoav Weiss, Jeffrey Yasskin, Benjamin Young, Aram Zucker-Scharff
Big meeting:
TPAC 2022 (Calendar)

A new web API for framing web content in a manner that's isolated from its embedder


Facilitators & speakers: Dominic Farolino, Shivani Sharma

Session type: Brief talk with slides, followed by open discussion and opinion gathering

Summary: A new web API for framing web content in a manner that's isolated from its embedder


  • Make the community aware of fenced frames/its API shape, discuss the difficulties in this area, and and collect feedback from other engineers & partners

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