
Unleashing the Power of Computational Intelligence on the Web
  • Past
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  • Breakout Sessions


Event details

Central European Summer Time
Ecija - 1st floor
Reinaldo Ferraz, Mike Gifford, Michael McCool, Gabriella Pasi, François Remy, John Rochford, Maud Stiernet, David Waite, Rachel Yager
Big meeting:
TPAC 2023 (Calendar)

In this session, we will explore how the deployment of Computational Intelligence as a Service (CIaaS) is reshaping web technologies and impacting the global digital community. We will discuss essential web technologies underpinning CIaaS, including cloud computing infrastructure, data analytics tools, and advanced machine learning algorithms. Participants will gain insights into how these technologies drive computational intelligence capabilities on the web, enhance user experiences, and facilitate data-driven decision-making. The session will also provide a platform to foster dialogue, exchange ideas, and build a community centered around advancing the application of CIaaS on the web. Whether you are an industry practitioner, a researcher, or a tech enthusiast, this session promises to enrich your understanding of the transformative power of computational intelligence on the web.


Rachel Yager, Gabriella Pasi

In this session, we will explore how the deployment of Computational Intelligence as a Service (CIaaS) is reshaping web technologies and impacting the global digital community. We will discuss essential web technologies underpinning CIaaS, including cloud computing infrastructure, data analytics tools, and advanced machine learning algorithms. Participants will gain insights into how these technologies drive computational intelligence capabilities on the web, enhance user experiences, and facilitate data-driven decision-making. The session will also provide a platform to foster dialogue, exchange ideas, and build a community centered around advancing the application of CIaaS on the web. Whether you are an industry practitioner, a researcher, or a tech enthusiast, this session promises to enrich your understanding of the transformative power of computational intelligence on the web.

The objective of this session is to facilitate an open community discussion about the challenges and impact of Computational Intelligence on the Web.



  • AI

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