WebFonts WG Zoom call
  • Past
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Eastern Daylight Time
Weekly on Tuesday, starting from 24 January 2023, until 1 August 2023
Overview of the recurring event
We will be using the same Zoom facilities for now.
Web Fonts Working Group ( View calendar)

The upcoming WebFonts WG meeting will be primarily taken up by a presentation by Skef Iterum on a new "Binned Incremental Font Transfer" prototype developed by Adobe. The schedule has been extended another hour to allow for questions and discussion.

IFTB is, in effect, a pair of font formats, one differing slightly from OTF and one slightly from WOFF2. Each includes an added table that assigns glyphs to independent "bins". The path data for glyphs in a bin can be integrated by downloading a corresponding "chunk" file.

Compared with previous solutions IFTB probably shares the most in common with static subsetting, but avoids the "fragmentation" inherent to that system. As with patch-subset, a user should get the same results as if they downloaded the original font.

Adobe believes the new system meets the same primary use cases as the current (and somewhat stalled) Range Request protocol, those being:

  1. Operating with a minimal server-side (i.e. conventional HTTP facilities but no custom code), and
  2. High compatibility with CDN caching
    It also feels that the overall costs and benefits of IFTB are superior to those of Range Request.

The purpose of this presentation is to familiarize the working group with the basics of this system and its relevant benefits, in the hope of quickly ramping up to a discussion of whether it makes sense to replace the Range Request specification with some version of this new option.


  1. "Binned Incremental Font Transfer" presentation by Skef Iterum.
  2. Q & A session

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