W3C CCG - Credential Format Comparison
  • Past
  • Confirmed


Event details

Eastern Daylight Time
weekly on Tuesday, starting from 2023-09-12, until 2026-06-30
Credentials Community Group ( View calendar)
Simone Onofri, Nouran Soliman

Mirko Mollik, Kaliya Identity Woman, Lucy Yang, and Torsten Lodderstedt presenting and leading a discussion on Credential Format Comparison.

Note: Credential Format Comparison SIG (Special Interest Group) at OWF (OpenWallet Foundation). https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/credential-format-comparison-sig

Meeting Link: https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/weekly
Minutes: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/


  1. Agenda Review
  2. Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct Reminder https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/
  3. IP Note:
    Anyone can participate in these calls. However, all substantive contributors to any CCG Work Items must be members of the CCG with full IPR agreements signed. https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/join
    a. Ensure you have a W3 account: https://www.w3.org/accounts/request
  4. Call Notes
    a. These minutes and an audio recording of everything said on this call are archived at https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/
    b. We use IRC to queue speakers during the call as well as to take minutes. http://irc.w3.org/?channels=ccg or http://irc.w3.org:6665/#ccg or the Jitsi text chat.
    c. In IRC type “q+” to add yourself to the queue, with an optional reminder, e.g., “q+ to mention something”. The “to” is required.
    d. If you’re not on the chat, simply ask to be put on the queue.
    e. Please be brief so the rest of the queue get a chance to chime in. You can always q+ again.
    f. NOTE: This meeting is held by voice, not by IRC. Off-topic IRC comments are subject to deletion from the record. We work hard to manage a single thread of conversation so everyone can participate and be heard. Please respect the group process by joining the queue when you have something to contribute.
  5. Optional Scribe Selection
    We need a volunteer to scribe in case auto transcription fails. Scribe List:
  6. Introductions & Reintroductions (see scribe doc for reintroduce column)
  7. Announcements & Reminders https://w3c-ccg.github.io/announcements/
  8. Progress on Action Items
  9. Presentations
  10. General Q&A

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