W3C in Europe
  • Past
  • Confirmed


Event details

Central European Standard Time
Marie-Claire Forgue
Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
Alexandra Lacourba
Charles Adams, Denis Ah-Kang, Martin Alvarez-Espinar, Rachel Andrew, Daniel Appelquist, Christos Bacharakis, Xiaoyuan Bai, Fátima Baña, Luca Barbato, Louay Bassbouss, Mario Batušić, Bert Bos, Tiffany Burtin, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Gautier Chomel, François Daoust, Phil Day, Chiara De Martin, Viviana De Paola, Luís de Sousa, Kenneth Raymond Diaz, Wei Ding, Alistair Duggin, Fajar Ekaputra, Fredrik Fischer, Fabien Gandon, Raúl García Castro, Manish Garg, Leigh Garner, Shawn Lawton Henry, Ivan Herman, Jeroen Hulscher, Rick Johnson, Sebastian Käbisch, Bill Kasdorf, Vahid Kaykhaei, Anssi Kostiainen, Bartek Kozlowski, Peter Krautzberger, Mirja Kühlewind, Vivien Lacourba, Philippe Le Hegaret, Laurent Le Meur, Christian Liebel, Ivano Malavolta, Jade Matos Carew, Giorgio Mazzucchelli, Michael McCool, Luis Meijueiro, Coralie Mercier, Niklas Merz, Dr. Humera Noor Minhas, Daniel Montalvo, Jean-Yves Moyen, Cristina Mussinelli, Chris Needham, Simone Onofri, Gerhard Oosthuizen, Harun Oz, Gregorio Pellegrino, Adrian Pohl, Adrian Portelli, Georg Rehm, Sten Reijers, Jean-Guilhem Rouel, Achim Schlosser, Melissa Sebastian, Yannick SEVEANT, Varun Singh, Thomas Steiner, Simon Stewart, Ralph Swick, Nick Telford-Reed, Raphaël Troncy, Linda van den Brink, Carlos A. Velasco, Marty Voshell, Léonie Watson, Tara Whalen, Kevin White, Chris Wilson, Rupert Wiser, Song XU, Rachel Yager

The 'W3C in Europe' meeting is an opportunity for W3C participants located in Europe to better know and understand who is involved in what W3C work in the geography. This initial event will be a 2-hour online meeting with a mix of presentations and social small-group breakouts.


  • Welcome - Seth Dobbs, W3C president and CEO (video recording)

  • Introduction - Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, W3C Europe Site Manager [slides]

  • W3C Governance Bodies - Leonie Watson, Member of the W3C Board of Directors [PPTx slides] [PDF slides]

  • Focus presentations on W3C Technologies:

    • "Web Accessibility" by Jade Matos Carew, Head of Digital Accessibility and Usability at The Open University, UK - member of the WAI Education Outreach Working Group [PPT slides] [PDF slides]
    • “Web of Things” by Sebastian Käbisch, Senior Key Expert at Siemens Technology, Germany - co-chair of the Web of Things Interest Group and Working Group [PDF slides]
    • “Secure Payment Confirmation for Web Payments” by Jean-Luc Di Manno, Solution architect - digital payment & authentication at FIME, France - member of the Web Payments Working Group [PDF slides]
  • Social breakout sessions:
    Getting to know each other: in breakout rooms or breakout sessions at the end of the meeting to meet other European community members, discover their interest and focus in W3C, debrief in small groups on the topics raised

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