Nordic Chapter Smart City / Web Of Things Community Group
  • Past
  • Confirmed


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Coordinated Universal Time
Virtual on Zoom
Web of Things Community Group ( View calendar)

Welcome to the February meeting of the Community / Working Group Standards & Platforms!

In 2024, the Working Group will carry out a market overview of general horizontal IoT platforms for municipalities and regions.

At this February meeting, we will get a presentation of AssetBook and an introduction to functions from the Open-Source group Eclipse Foundation (which we also heard about in August last year). Later in the spring, we will receive a presentation of some suppliers who have developed platforms based on open-source code from Eclipse.

Please forward this information if you know anyone else who might be interested. Are you an IoT platform supplier and interested in presenting to the Working Group but not booked yet - please contact me.

Warm welcome! See you!
/Tobbe Lahrin
+46 70-2082085


13.00 – 13.10 Introduction – Tobbe (Swedish)
• Welcome + info about the Working Group, for new participants
• Info about the market overview 2024 in the Working Group

13.10 – 14.10 AssetBook – Jimmy and William Jonasson (Swedish)
• Presentation of the Assetbook IoT platform

14.10 – 14.15 Break

14.15 – 15.15 Introduction to code and functionality from Eclipse – Frédéric Desbiens (English)
• IoT Protocol Implementations: Eclipse Amlen / Eclipse Paho / Eclipse Mosquitto (MQTT), Sparkplug (ISO/IEC 20237), Eclipse zenoh
• IoT Gateway / Cloud Platform: Eclipse Kura / Eclipse Kapua
• Digital Twins: Eclipse Ditto
• Real-Time Operating System for Microcontrollers: Eclipse ThreadX

15.15 – 15.30 Finish
• Upcoming meetings of the Working Group
• Short status report from the standardization
• Any other questions

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