Maturity Model TF Weekly Teleconference
  • Past
  • Confirmed


Event details

Eastern Daylight Time
weekly on Wednesday, starting from 2024-06-05, until 2027-01-01
Maturity Model Task Force ( View calendar)

Agenda+ New Business

Agenda+ Editors Draft Update

Agenda+ Github Issue #214 editorial communications communicated

Agenda+ Github Issue 213 Excel spreadsheet - broken link

Agenda+ Github Issue #81 Section 3.4.1 Proof Points for ICT Development Lifecycle: Missing planning aspects


Agenda+ New Business
Agenda+ Github Issue #154 Section 3.3.1: can a measure of support effectiveness be included?
Agenda+ Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback) – Look at Procurement Dimension
Agenda+ Maturity Model Scoring Subgroup Update
Agenda+ Github #156 Issue Section 3.5: proof points should consider whether people with disabilities actually were included in the workforce as a result of the efforts made.

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