
FedCM multiple IDP support
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  • Breakout Sessions


Event details

Coordinated Universal Time
Martin Alvarez-Espinar, Tim Cappalli, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Kyle Den Hartog, Wei Ding, Amanda Ferrante, Heather Flanagan, Chris Fredrickson, Yi Gu, Enrico Morisi, Simone Onofri, Nicolas Pena Moreno, Hiroyuki Sano, Wendy Seltzer, Lei Zhao
Big meeting:
W3C Breakouts Day 2024 (Calendar)

We would like to brainstorm ideas to solve the following problem: the FedCM API allows users to login to websites via some identity provider (IDP). Currently the API only allows the developer to specify a single IDP, and we are working on allowing multiple to be specified. It will be fairly easy to allow multiple IDPs in a single JavaScript call, but this has an issue. When there are multiple totally independent providers, we want each IDP to specify their desire to be included in FedCM independently. This allows the website to embed independent IDP SDKs into their site but still allow these IDPs to be shown in an aggregated browser dialog. The challenge is how to achieve this in a reasonable way. There are some brainstormed solutions here but we'd love to further discuss this in a session.


Nicolas Pena Moreno

We would like to brainstorm ideas to solve the following problem: the FedCM API allows users to login to websites via some identity provider (IDP). Currently the API only allows the developer to specify a single IDP, and we are working on allowing multiple to be specified. It will be fairly easy to allow multiple IDPs in a single JavaScript call, but this has an issue. When there are multiple totally independent providers, we want each IDP to specify their desire to be included in FedCM independently. This allows the website to embed independent IDP SDKs into their site but still allow these IDPs to be shown in an aggregated browser dialog. The challenge is how to achieve this in a reasonable way. There are some brainstormed solutions here but we'd love to further discuss this in a session.

Brainstorm ideas to tackle the problem of allowing multiple independent IDPs



  • identity

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