Games CG Workshop #4 - Blockchain and NFTs in web games
- Past
- Confirmed
- Past
- Confirmed
For our next event we'll be running another workshop focused call. The focus will be a continuation of the monetization workshop that we held in January to discuss the use of NFTs and, more broadly speaking, of blockchains in games.
"What is the future of NFTs in gaming? Is the web a suitable platform for this technology? Can it be a form of monetisation of web games?"
Please note: we're aware that NFTs is a sensitive topic for some people. We'd like to focus on the business case and technical side of this discussion.
- 5 min - Introduction
- 25 min - Split into groups of ~5 people for brainstorming (if enough people join), adding to a big group google slide deck
- 5-10 min - Return as a whole group. A person from each group presents as we walk through the group deck
- 15 min - Discuss as one large group
- 5-10 min - Try to identify “actionable items”
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