
Sync on Web, now and next of realtime media services on web
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  • Breakout Sessions


Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
-1 Lower Level - Catalina 2
Paul Adenot, Louay Bassbouss, Nishitha Burman, Guohui Deng, Ryoya Kawai, Kensaku KOMATSU, Mirja Kühlewind, Nigel Megitt, Akira Nagaoki, Hisayuki Ohmata, Marina Sokolova, Vlad Sviatetskyi, Kunihiko Toumura, Michael Wilson, Song XU, Kota Yatagai
Big meeting:
TPAC 2024 (Calendar)

Real time Web is improving, in this moment we have an ability to build realtime media services on web w/ WebRTC, WebCodecs, Web Audio ... etc.

IMO, one interesting movement for this would be synchronization, which means "time alignment". General case for "time alignment" would be lip-sync, but with Media over QUIC, mainly leveraging to WebCodes and WebTransport, we can develop more synchronization use cases with media streaming and arbitrary time-related data. Examples would be synchronization of realtime text, haptics, midi events in co-watching or stream-media play-out.

With this feature, we believe that the potential of web would be improving more and more, since we can build Real/Virtual orchestrated services. Use cases would be meta verse, live viewing with MIDI data, remote robot operation etc.

For these realtime use cases, clock accuracy and frequency is quite important. And we have several questions for this. For example, requestAnimationFrame() is enough or not for the future use cases? In this breakout session, we will discuss about these topic according to clock and sync on Web.



Real time Web is improving, in this moment we have an ability to build realtime media services on web w/ WebRTC, WebCodecs, Web Audio ... etc.

IMO, one interesting movement for this would be synchronization, which means "time alignment". General case for "time alignment" would be lip-sync, but with Media over QUIC, mainly leveraging to WebCodes and WebTransport, we can develop more synchronization use cases with media streaming and arbitrary time-related data. Examples would be synchronization of realtime text, haptics, midi events in co-watching or stream-media play-out.

With this feature, we believe that the potential of web would be improving more and more, since we can build Real/Virtual orchestrated services. Use cases would be meta verse, live viewing with MIDI data, remote robot operation etc.

For these realtime use cases, clock accuracy and frequency is quite important. And we have several questions for this. For example, requestAnimationFrame() is enough or not for the future use cases? In this breakout session, we will discuss about these topic according to clock and sync on Web.

figure out gap for sync on Web.


  1. Presentations and demo
  2. Discussion
  3. Wrap-up



  • Real-time Web

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