
Breaking the web responsibly
  • Past
  • Confirmed
  • Breakout Sessions


Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD — North Tower 3rd floor
Greg Whitworth
Jake Archibald, Leonardo Balter, Christian Biesinger, Aykut Bulut, Judith Bush, Brian Campbell, Ada Rose Cannon, Florent Castelli, Tantek Çelik, Michael Cooper, Domenic Denicola, Karl Dubost, Elika Etemad, Chris Fredrickson, Sam Goto, Yi Gu, Charlie Harrison, Hakan Isbiliroglu, Ayu Ishii, Daniel Libby, Cameron McCormack, Eric Meyer, Ben Morss, James Nurthen, Theresa O'Connor, Gregorio Pellegrino, Simon Pieters, Florian Rivoal, Daniel Rojas, James Rosewell, Peter Rushforth, Cynthia Shelly, Sam Sneddon, Jonathon Townley, Yoav Weiss, Chris Wilson, Jeffrey Yasskin
Big meeting:
TPAC 2022 (Calendar)

Go over how User Agent breaking changes can have adverse effects on users due to the time needed for sites to adjust to the changes.


Facilitators & speakers: Greg Whitworth

Session type: Talk + Open Discussion

Summary: Go over how User Agent breaking changes can have adverse effects on users due to the time needed for sites to adjust to the changes.


  • How can the community work together to responsibly rollout impactful changes

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