
From Open Standards to Strategic Innovation in Products and Services
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Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
Finback — 3rd floor Concourse
Rachel Yager
Martin Alvarez-Espinar, Providence Baraka, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Marie Jordan, Tobie Langel, Cynthia Shelly, Jeff Waters, Chris Wilson, Sarah Wood, Ayşegül Yönet
Big meeting:
TPAC 2022 (Calendar)

Innovation is the key to success in today's fast-paced, competitive marketplace. To be successful, companies must continuously create new and better products and services. But how can they do this? One answer is to embrace open standards. This Panel Session discusses Innovation best practices that allow companies to share knowledge, ideas, data, and code. We discuss strategies to promote collaboration and enable companies to leverage each other's Innovation Processes. Expert Speakers share enterprise success factors of adopting open standards to speed up the Innovation process, creating better products and services faster.


Facilitators & speakers: Rachel Yager

Session type: Invited Panel Speakers with Open Discussion. Panel: John Bradley (Yubico), Wo L. Chang (NIST), Rachel Yager (W3C Evangelist).

Summary: Innovation is the key to success in today's fast-paced, competitive marketplace. To be successful, companies must continuously create new and better products and services. But how can they do this? One answer is to embrace open standards. This Panel Session discusses Innovation best practices that allow companies to share knowledge, ideas, data, and code. We discuss strategies to promote collaboration and enable companies to leverage each other's Innovation Processes. Expert Speakers share enterprise success factors of adopting open standards to speed up the Innovation process, creating better products and services faster.


  • Innovation best practices and strategies.

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