Immersive Web Group Calls
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Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
every other week on Tuesday, starting from 2023-04-18, until 2023-07-11
Immersive Web Community Group ( View calendar)
Immersive Web Working Group ( View calendar)

Note that we are moving to Zoom instead of WebEX:


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Call Agenda
This agenda can be viewed and updated on Github.

If you would like to add an item to the agenda or volunteer to scribe please open a pull request against this agenda.

administrivia#195 Meeting 4/18/23 Agenda item - clapierre
/agenda to talk about: XR Access and our NSF Grant on making non-verbal cues and documents/whiteboards in VR accessible to people with low vision and blindness.

administrivia#196 Face to face agenda - Yonet
/agenda to add agenda items for face to face meeting on 24-25th. Currently added issues can be found at

Immersive Web Community Group Teleconference - 2023-04-18
San Francisco (U.S.A. - California) Tuesday, April 18 at 12:00 PM PDT
Boston (U.S.A. - Massachusetts) Tuesday, April 18 at 3:00 PM EDT
London (United Kingdom - England) Tuesday, April 18 at 8:00 PM GMT+1
Paris (France) Tuesday, April 18 at 9:00 PM GMT+2
Tokyo (Japan) Wednesday, April 19 at 4:00 AM GMT+9
Corresponding UTC (GMT) Tuesday, April 18 at 7:00 PM UTC

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