
ServiceWorker and Loading Performance
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Event details

Central European Summer Time
Nervion I - Level -1
Panos Astithas, Andrew Comminos, Tsuyoshi Horo, Toshiaki Koike, Michael McCool, Michal Mocny, Barry Pollard, Shunya Shishido
Big meeting:
TPAC 2023 (Calendar)

The session is going to be a presentation part and discussion part.

Starting ServiceWorkers is known to be a slow process, and web users need to wait for its startup if the ServiceWorker intercepts loading the page resources. At the same time, the ServiceWorker brings flexibility to the transport layer, and it behaves as a client-side proxy. Developers can implement offline support or provide client-side content modification with it.

We have a couple of early ideas to minimize the performance cost, such as the static routing API, and skip no-op fetch handler. For the first half of the session, we’re going to present performance problems that we’re observing, outline of proposed APIs and how it works, and estimated performance improvements.

For the second half, we’d like to discuss ServiceWorker and performance with the community and ask for feedback on our ideas.


Shunya Shishido

The session is going to be a presentation part and discussion part.

Starting ServiceWorkers is known to be a slow process, and web users need to wait for its startup if the ServiceWorker intercepts loading the page resources. At the same time, the ServiceWorker brings flexibility to the transport layer, and it behaves as a client-side proxy. Developers can implement offline support or provide client-side content modification with it.

We have a couple of early ideas to minimize the performance cost, such as the static routing API, and skip no-op fetch handler. For the first half of the session, we’re going to present performance problems that we’re observing, outline of proposed APIs and how it works, and estimated performance improvements.

For the second half, we’d like to discuss ServiceWorker and performance with the community and ask for feedback on our ideas.

This session aims to discuss and learn about ServiceWorkers performance issues. We’re going to present some newly proposed ServiceWorker APIs and optimizations to address performance issues as well, we’d like to discuss and gather feedback from the community.



  • performance

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