June 22 JSON-LD CG Meeting
  • Past
  • Confirmed


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Coordinated Universal Time
#json-ld on irc.w3.org
JSON for Linking Data Community Group ( View calendar)
JSON-LD Working Group ( View calendar)
brandon whitehead

There’s been some activity on JSON-LD since the release of the 1.1 recommendations and I’ve proposed a Face to Face at the upcoming W3C TPAC (physical and virtual) in Vancouver the week of September 12.

The CG can issue Draft and Final reports, but is also deputized by the JSON-LD Maintenance Working Group for work that could lead to edited Recommendations using the new W3C process. This work requires a fair time commitment from sufficient participants to make the work viable. If the community is interested in taking this up, we could move forward on a number of different fronts.


Taken together these issues are far more than can be covered in a signal meeting, and we may want to create a regular call schedule. A F2F is generally a great way to tackle a number of outstanding issues.

  1. Announcements and Introductions

  1. YAML-LD


  1. JSON-LD-star

  1. JSON-LD Spec updates

https://github.com/json-ld/json-ld.org/projects/2 – CG Work

https://github.com/orgs/json-ld/projects/2 – Playground

https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/4 - WG

  1. Schedule next call

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