HTML5 Day in Italy


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Event details

Coordinated Universal Time
Università Pontificia Regina Apostolorum, Roma, Italy
W3C Italy


Meet W3C to know more about HTML5

HTML5 is changing the world and industries, from automotive to publication, (mobile) communication, TV etc.
Are you ready for the transformation?
The “ HTML5 Day ” event is centred around a keynote presentation from Michael[tm] Smith , a key W3C team member for the HTML5 effort. The event will be an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in HTML5 and related technologies, and about the current thinking about , the future to come after HTML5. The event will give you the opportunity to know what is going on in the “HTML5 world”.
W3C will be glad to hear your opinions about what to do and what not to do now and in the years to come.