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Draft HTMLTimingObject

Hi all,

A first draft for the HTMLTimingObject is out and we are inviting your feedback.

The HTMLTimingObject in a nutshell:

The Web already defines a rich set of concepts and frameworks for timed operations, e.g., HTMLMediaElement, HTMLTrackElement, HTMLMediaController, WebAnimation, SMIL and WebAudio. Naturally, we would like to construct timed media by combining the strengths of different frameworks. After all, composition is a key feature of the Web. Unfortunately, this is not so easy. Timing is internal and custom to each framework, and timing models tend to be pulse-based, imprecise and non-deterministic.

The HTMLTimingObject is proposed to address this issue. It is precise, expressive and deterministic. This makes it an excellent basis for timed coordination of heterogeneous frameworks. Perhaps even more important, the HTMLTimingObject is designed specifically to integrate with Shared Motion, a generic timing mechanism for the Web. This way, we envision the HTMLTimingObject as a common basis for timed coordination both in single-device and multi-device Web applications.

Francois also introduces the draft on the webtiming mailing list

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