Notes, December 17th, 2024
Posted on:Update on the ongoing effort for the development of a common vocabulary on TDM
The Open Future Foundation is facilitating discussion among representatives of opt-out solutions, rightsholders organisations, and AI platforms, towards developing a common vocabulary on TDM usages. The work in progress included some meetings in person and online exchanges.
The discussion aims to reach a common understanding of the scope of the TDM opt-out as defined by the European Directive on copyright in the digital single market (DSM Directive) and identify some granular TDM usage.
So far, consensus has emerged on three levels of the vocabulary:
1) a broad “TDM” category as per the DSM Directive, including, among possible TDM usages:
2) General Purpose AI training (where “General Purpose AI” is the term used in the EU AI Act), including:
3) Generative AI training (where Generative AI would fall within the General Purpose AI)
There is no consensus so far on whether search and discovery (either traditional indexing or new AI-based search) should be in the scope of the opt-out. The interpretation adopted by the TDMRep W3C CG and supported by rightsholders is that search and discovery are out of the scope of the TDM opt-out.
Representatives of opt-out solutions involved in the discussion facilitated by the Open Future Foundation are currently working on definitions for the three vocabulary terms defined above (TDM, General purpose AI training, and Generative AI Training). Members of the TDM Rep are welcome to contact the chair for clarification and share views on such definitions.
It is important to note that representatives of opt-out solutions (some of them are also members of the TDM Rep) are willing to work together and make their solutions converge toward the vocabulary/model which reaches consensus.
Possible evolution of TDM Rep specifications
To allow the expression of more granular opt-outs as defined in the common vocabulary, the TDM Rep specifications should evolve into a new version. Some options have been briefly discussed: one could be to extend the “tdm-rep” values to include either a broad or more granular rights reservation, and another could be to convey such granularity within the “tdm-policy”. Different solutions shall be evaluated by the TDM Rep CG, considering several aspects such as the need to ensure backward compatibility, the consensus on various technical solutions, the balancing between clarity, ease of expressing opt-out and ease of discovering information while crawling.
Evaluation of possible standardization paths
At the same time, the community group will start exploring possible standardization paths for the TDM Rep that could be initiated once the specifications are updated. Different standardization bodies could host this work, including W3C, ISO, IETF. It was agreed that it would be wiser to choose a standardization body that can handle the location-based (HTTP, tdmrep.json) and content-based (HTML, EPUB, PDF) parts of the TDMRep specifications. The possibility for interested stakeholders to take part in the work is another key decision element for the choice of the standardization body.