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Community & Business Groups

ORCA - Object-RTC API Community Group

See the ORTC CG instead. A group of like-minded individuals that are interested in the Object-RTC API model for WebRTC. It's likely these individuals or organizations are also taking part in the IETF RTCWEB and W3C WebRTC working group discussions.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

drafts / licensing info

Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC
Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC

Discussion and Consensus

Two points…

I would like to propose that discussions regarding the API happen via the ORCA Community Group, the mail list seems to make sense. If you have not subscribed to that list yet and wish to receive messages sent to the list please do so here.

As part of this proposal, I suggest we abide by the W3C consensus policy (

Starting with these 2 points should provide for a healthy community, more transparency and hopefully more input on decisions being made.

You can agree to this proposal by simply replying to the mail thread created in correlation with this post, with +1 Or reply with your objection and reasoning why we should not do this.



Just a head’s up, Robin is sick with the flu.

WebRTC Object API (alpha) – Request for Feedback

WebRTC Object API (alpha):

Early example code, written in Node.js:

It is the current authors intent to provide an alternative to the existing WebRTC API, to allow more control to web developers looking to leverage WebRTC.

Rationale for this alternate approach can be found in the informational draft submitted to the IETF RTCWEB working group several weeks ago.

Those interested in assisting in the completion of this API reference are asked to join this community group and take part in the discussions by:

  • Creating issues in github
  • Contribute your time
  • Contribute code
  • Provide feedback here in this community group
  • Tell others about this effort

On behalf of the current authors, thank you for your support and consideration.