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Community & Business Groups

ODRL Community Group

The ODRL Community Group supports the promotion and future development of the W3C ODRL recommendations:

Specifically, the ODRL CG will:

  • Promote ODRL V2.2 to existing and new sectors/industries
  • Nurture an ODRL implementors community
  • Publish reports related to ODRL usage
  • Support development of ODRL Profiles (and host for smaller communities)
  • Register ODRL Profiles
  • Collaborate with W3C on ODRL errata maintenance
  • Plan for future major enhancements to ODRL (V3.0)
Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Final reports / licensing info

Date Name Commitments
ODRL Profile Best Practices Licensing commitments
W3C ODRL Vocabulary & Expression Version 2.2 Licensing commitments
W3C ODRL Information Model Version 2.2 Licensing commitments
ODRL Version 2.1 Ontology Licensing commitments
ODRL Version 2.1 JSON Encoding Licensing commitments
ODRL Version 2.1 Common Vocabulary Licensing commitments
ODRL Version 2.1 XML Encoding Licensing commitments
ODRL Version 2.1 Core Model Licensing commitments
ODRL Version 2.0 XML Encoding Licensing commitments
ODRL Version 2.0 Common Vocabulary Licensing commitments
ODRL Version 2.0 Core Model Licensing commitments

Drafts / licensing info

Date Name
ODRL Profile: Data Spaces
ODRL Community Vocabulary
ODRL Formal Semantics
ODRL Temporal Profile
ODRL Profile Big Data
ODRL Implementation Best Practices

Chairs, when logged in, may publish draft and final reports. Please see report requirements.