Co-chair meeting minutes: February 1, 2023
Posted on:MNX
The main focus for MNX development continues to be the proposal to move MNX from using XML to JSON.
Adrian is working on sample MNX documents in JSON format but doesn’t yet have anything to share; he expects to have some documents ready to share before the next co-chairs’ meeting. He is also continuing to look at the various options for JSON schemas in order to provide validation for those developers who are looking for it.
The co-chairs would also like to remind the community about issue #288, which is still under active review. This issue concerns reworking the accidental attribute for notes to remove redundancy and instead specify whether the accidental should be visible. Adrian proposes to move to a pull request for this issue, unless the community has any further feedback.
Next meeting
The next co-chairs’ meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 14 February 2023.
I don’t know if this is the correct forum, but I can’t find anywhere to contact people. I’m trying to use the xsl file to transform a partwise file to a timewise file. But all I get when I run the translation is a message saying “DTD is Prohibited”? Can anyone give me any insight as to what I’m doing wrong? I want to do this because my application for generating MusicXML files is a timewise system, and I wanted an example of exactly what a timewise file looks like. The only examole in teh test files contains only a single note in one measure WIth a single instrument part.
Thanks for youe help.
Norman, the best place to ask these kinds of questions is at GitHub here.