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Community & Business Groups

Co-chair Meeting Minutes: November 10, 2020

SMuFL 1.4

There are currently 21 pull requests waiting to be merged, which constitute the majority of the issues targeted for this milestone. A couple of late-breaking issues (#156 and #157) concerning the final completion of the two oustanding ranges of Sagittal accidentals have been added to the milestone. Daniel is ready to merge in the existing pull requests, and a good number of these issues should be resolved before the next co-chair meeting. Work will then turn to updating the Bravura font and its metadata in accordance with the new ranges and glyphs in SMuFL 1.4.

MusicXML 4.0

There has been a good deal of discussion around issue #283 concerning how swing should be represented, and Michael has created pull request #346 with a concrete proposal as a basis for further discussion.

Michael anticipates that a possible next area of work might be issue #37, concerning a means of determining on which staves system-level items should appear.


Issue #198 concerning the encoding of beaming has been widely discussed and Adrian has provided some refinements to the proposal based on the community feedback. Adrian has expanded on the various use cases that were in question – for example, encoding beamed groups of grace notes within beamed groups of rhythmic notes, beams across barlines, and so on – and an updated proposal for how secondary and tertiary beams could be encoded has been added. We will await more community feedback, but the co-chairs feel that this approach looks promising enough that we anticipate starting work on a pull request to add these proposals to the MNX by Example page and the specification.

Next meeting

The next co-chair meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 24 November.

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