Co-chair Meeting Minutes: August 18, 2020
Posted on:MusicXML 4.0
Michael has completed work on issue #249, concerning multi-measure rests which should not be able to have an empty body.
The next work item will be the first new feature to be added in MusicXML 4.0, as described in issue #293, which will provide a means of changing the virtual instrument sound for a doubling instrument, analogous to the existing means of changing the MIDI sound. Michael has a proposal in mind and will prepare a pull request with the proposal soon.
Adrian has completed the work required for issue #191, renaming MNX-Common to MNX. Following directly on from this is issue #192, concerning the removal of the concept of profiles from MNX. The co-chairs agreed that we will give the community time to think about and comment on this proposal, so we will discuss that feedback in the next co-chairs’ meeting.
The co-chairs discussed the interpretation content section of the specification, which currently still references the MNX-Generic specification. The specification currently discusses use cases like swing, interpretation of tempo without explicit tempo values, and grace notes; ideally we would do away with these elements and find more semantic ways of capturing these performance issues. We will create an issue in due course to capture any further use cases and come up with proposals for higher-level ways of encoding them, to see if this can be removed from the MNX specification without losing capability.
Next meeting
The next meeting of the co-chairs will be on Tuesday 1 September 2020.