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Community & Business Groups

A Propusal for A New Pseudo Element Called :icon

Take a look to this HTML5 code as shown here: <menu type=”toolbar”> <command type=”radio” radiogroup=”alignment” checked=”checked” label=”Left” icon=”icons/alL.png” onclick=”setAlign(‘left’)”> <command type=”radio” radiogroup=”alignment” label=”Center” icon=”icons/alC.png” onclick=”setAlign(‘center’)”> <command type=”radio” radiogroup=”alignment” label=”Right” icon=”icons/alR.png” onclick=”setAlign(‘right’)”> <hr> <command type=”command” disabled label=”Publish” icon=”icons/pub.png” onclick=”publish()”> </menu> The … Continue reading

The Shameless Plug Tag

Particularly with the rise in self promotional activities around Social Networks there is a need for a self promotional meta tag – distinct from factual content descriptive meta tags. <meta name=”shameless” content=”Insert Shameless Plug Here”</> <shameless>Insert Shameless Plug Here</shameless>