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Community & Business Groups

High-Performance Computing Community Group

This community group is focused on bringing high performance computing (HPC) to the web. In particular, we're interested in making the computing and data resources that underlie simulation science, scientific computing, and data-centric science easily accessible through web browsers. Our members are working on APIs that expose HPC resources via the web, as well as gateways and web applications that take advantage of these APIs. The major goal of this community is to accelerate the pace of development of web-based HPC applications. Recognizing that we can build on each other's work, and that a consistent approach to developing such tools can enable features that require communication across multiple computing centers, we are interested in sharing technologies and ideas.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

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Welcome to the HPC Community Group

Hey, folks,
Apologies that it took so long to get things off the ground with this group. Several of us were delayed in gaining entrance to it while some institutional wheels turned. Now that we’re in, I’m hoping we’ll be able to grow more quickly and get a broader group taking part. Please tell your colleagues who might be interested in joining us. Note also that one can subscribe to the mailing list without being a member. If someone you know runs into roadblocks in officially joining, they can always join the mailing list.

I think the first item for discussion would be to identify what we want to accomplish with this space. Certainly we can share what we’ve built or done to date. I see that we have a wiki, so that seems like a good place to start putting links to things that already have a home on the web. Please add what you think might be useful. We also have a chat channel and several mailing lists. The one is the main one for reaching everyone.

Another thing that occurs to me is that many of us will probably be at SC11 next month. In case you aren’t already in the know, there will be a workshop on gateway computing environments on Friday from 9 to 3. That would be a logical place for those of us in attendance to meet up.

If you have ideas about what we as an organization should or could do, jump in and post them. And of course, feel free to post any items of general interest.
