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Geospatial Semantic Web Community Group

GeoKnow addresses a bold challenge in the area of intelligent information management: the exploitation of the Web as a platform for geospatial knowledge integration as well as for exploration of geographic information. This group will bring together scientists, GIS users, linked Data users, data consumers and providers, interested in the exploitation of linked geospatial data. This group will not produce specifications.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

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Descartes Core 2013 Geo-Semantics Meeting 03/20-22/2013, Santa Barbara, CA

Dear all,

We would like to announce the Descartes Core 2013 geospatial semantics specialist meeting that will take place 03/20-22/2013 at Santa Barbara, CA, USA. The meeting aims at taking the current series of GeoVoCamps, workshops, and specialists meetings to the next level by establishing a common core of (geo-)ontology design patterns, vocabularies, best practice guides, examples, software, and services, that aim to foster semantic interoperability between different (Linked Data) sources without restricting semantic heterogeneity at the same time.

Please find more information and registration details at:

The meeting will be organized as a so-called Geo-Vocabulary Camp (GeoVoCamp). This is a series of free and informal but highly productive meetings in which domain experts and ontology engineers work together to discuss problems and projects and to develop ontologies and tools. Previous events have resulted in a number of geo-ontologies, new collaborations, and research papers. If you are interested in geospatial semantics, linked spatiotemporal data, big geo-data, semantic interoperability and heterogeneity, semantic annotations and metadata, or geographic information retrieval, we hope that you will be able to join us this March. We especially welcome participants from different domains such as the digital humanities or chemistry that are interested in space and place.

Please register as soon as possible to help us in organizing the event. We will announce the schedule, activities, speakers, and potential topics for breakout groups during the next weeks using the wiki at The page also contains links to some previous events.

Mark Gahegan, Pascal Hitzler, Werner Kuhn, and Krzysztof Janowicz