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How important is w3 validation for search engine rankings

A page that is written in valid code is well on its way to being accessible, as well (but the two are not interchangeable!).

Google doesn’t just look at inbound links and mostly ignores meta tags (as both have been massively abused by spammers) – in fact, Google actually traverses pages for contents. If the contents is placed in valid HTML, your chances will be somewhat improved. The second step is using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – the best way to do that is to write valid *and* accessible code. Things like source ordering and correct *use* of HTML are very important.

WEB Protocols and Energy Utilization

Hej all,

Isn’t anyone more than me concerned about the enormous amount of energy the WEB transforms?

I feel very frustrated. This post is wild, unpolite and unstructured but I hope someone will pick up the message.

Outdated HTML ?

Even though much effort is spent on virtualization WEB-serves the overall load is depending on the fact that we feed the computers with data using OUTDATED protocols.
Protocols Like HTML/CSS/Javascript/HTTP/Cookies etc have become
a mess of construction like using LEGO, MECCANO and bunch of different glues at the same time

I mean that the HTML really is mature enough for architectural refactoring.

90% reloaded

Most of you – I think – are often disturbed by long response time but also quite annoyed on uncertain behavior of a WEB interaction. The very point in this observation is that the basic HTML with its PAGE/BODY metaphor is from old batch -90 IT-system. In a session – constituted by a set of interactions – the whole content on the user screen is (re)produced by the server, transported and rendered.
Even though most of the visual screen is he same! My experiences the last years are that 90% of the visual screen is the same between two steps – just 10% is changed.
But HTML is not able – by design – to just send the changes.

<ReplaceSomething ID=”…>

But the basic HTML has no tag for <ReplaceSomething ID=”…>.

If such a mechanism – REPLACE – was introduced I think we can reduce the energy utilization by 90% – a magnitude – and also make it much more easier for the Dialog Constructor on the server to really make a radically more understandable interactions and express the in basic HTML perhaps using the MVC Pattern.

Of course there exist solutions today which will work like REPLACE PART. Build a mix of javascript, AJAX and JSON/HTML. But this should be standard in basic HTML. No javascript for this.


The WEB-browser must deal with the <REPLACE>
Introduce a <!doctype ResponseCouldBeBodyOrReplace …/> telling that responses from an HREF et al. request might be one of

1. <!doctype as present standard of course …>
2. <!doctype ResponseCouldBeBodyOrReplace …/>
3. <!doctype Replace…/><REPLACEPARTS>…</REPLACEPARTS>

Focus on goals (Energy Utilization)

Forget the obsessed focus on functions and performance!
Forget cache (rethink).
Recfactor CSS into layout (positioning) and style (texture) at least.
Forget javascript, forget crawlers.
Forget for the present.

Hurry up before the goverments detects that there are no relationships between W3C and Energy Utilization.

I’m not the guy to run or orchestra a group on ‘WEB Protocols and Energy Utilization’ but I can contribute with experience and idea and reviews.


User Identity on the Web Community Group

Dear W3 members, Dear all,

I just suggested the creation of a community group regarding user’s identity over the web, I think it would be an interesting-to-discuss topic and I would like to invite you all to read the group summary and to join us if you are interrested =)

Every contribution regarding Web Identities in general are interesting to discuss and will be appreciated !



User interaction & experience group

Hi all,

I just made a community group proposal around user interaction and user experience for Web application. Here is the pitch:

“As the number of Web applications is exponential, the capability to link user activity from application to another is also growing. However, these connections are more or less relying on specific models and APIs and set-up of a new connected application needs a tons of one-to-one configuration. This group will try to gather from these experience in order to build a more coherent model for sharing – semantically enabled &amp; privacy safe – interaction data in order to provide better user experience among web applications.”

The overall goal would be try to leverage the use of existing semantic format (FOAF, SIOC, SKOS…) and try to link them with other initiatives like APML or ActivityStream but trying to (1) enable real semantics and (2) focus on privacy safety. The goal would be to enrich user experience and also make a better use of any data that user generates during the interaction with web application.

Anyone interested ?

Moderation permisions in groups?

Hello Community =)

At this moment I see that any member of given group can delete posts, comments etc. In wiki one can easily revert it but IMHO wordpress moderation don’t have enough features for such openness. I wouldn’t like to get paranoid about possible invasion of trolls, but still wanted to address this concern.


Bitcoin URI scheme

There’s been much talk in the bitcoin community about adding URIs. (ignore the stuff about other number formats- it’s irrelevant)

It would be good to standardise this before we start implementing this in all our various clients- otherwise we will have a standards hodge-podge.

Amir Taaki (genjix)

CSS Rates and Velocities

I have proposed a CSS Module so that rates of change of CSS properties can be defined in the CSS. The module would add the ability to add -rate to the end of almost any property otherwise defined in CSS to instruct the browser to change that property at set intervals. Does anyone have any thoughts on or problems with this proposal?

A revolution in Ads for a positive change

Below is an idea I have that would revolutionize the way people look at and use advertisement. The idea would be used to make money for a foundation that could help support and bring about positive change in the world.

If you find this interesting, or think you have a way to implement this, then you can contact me at with “Ad Shopping” in the subject line just in case it gets caught in the spam folder.



Ad Shopping


Imagine being able to make a nuisance into a useful tool. Ads are displayed on just about every website. Most people will find them distracting, or useless. At the same time, people spend a good amount of time on the internet searching for products and information. Why not combine the two? This would make the advertising experience useful to each individual person.

Problem this idea solves:

Website ads target people based on page content, profile details, or even history. The problem is that people are not just numbers and facts. Their buying interest changes and evolves over time. People may be thinking about birthday presents even though they are on a social network looking up their favorite band, or writing a research paper. Simply put, the current consumer to ad relationship is pretty good, but it can be better.

The solution:

Using an Open ID concept, we create a shopping preferences platform. It simply would be a form asking people what they would like to see in their ads. People would opt in, and all personal information is kept private, and the consumer only give information that want to share. It is promoted by asking what the viewer, reader, consumer is interested in knowing about. It may be hot deals, new furniture, TV shows, websites, music, cars, information, non-profits etc. Or, it may be they are really not in the market, and they want to see like funny ads, or informative ads. Knowledge of how people are entertained could be used to find ads to fill in when the specific interest cannot be filled.

For example: Obviously people are not in the market to buy a simple and widespread product like Coke. But, the entertainment preferences could pick which Coke ad to display as fillers, or even as primary ads based on the highest bidder.

The appeal:

For consumers: They finally have a choice in what ads they see. They can use this platform to learn more about new products they might be thinking of buying. So let’s say someone is upset with their bank, but they are uninformed of the different banks. Most people don’t want to do hours of research, but with this platform the banks’ ads come to them. All information is on a volunteer agreement, privacy is number one

For advertisers: They are able to display ads directly to people’s interest.

For websites: The websites need to offer new and innovative ways to appeal to advertisers. People on the web are not static, they go to many different login websites. There needs to be a simple way to stream line this sort platform. It cannot be expected that people with keep filling out new forms for every site they go to. This is where you, and Open ID comes in.
How it works:
People are encouraged to fill out interest forms based on the type of ads they see. The ads respond to tags from the account rather than from the website content. Similar to Myspace targeting ads to certain profile when they are logged in. People can be sent updates through their e-mail, accounts and so on. Websites will offer it as part of their membership, but it will all be integrated across the web through an Open ID concept (or Open ID itself). The money comes in by the system taking a small percentage from the ad revenue. The profits are then uses to promote positive charitable and developmental foundation. The foundation uses the money earned to develop the world connecting the 1st world and the 3rd world in a way never before conceived just by changing the way we look at ads.


In the end, this system makes advertising useful to everyone. The system can even expand into internet TV allowing the TV networks to integrate the service. Basically this concept changes the way people see the soon to be useless annoying ad.