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Writing in Landscape orientation (writing-mode)

Hi, I have 2 aspx pages (one redirects to the other one), in 2nd page I am loading some
HTML tables programatically, so I am using this CSS in <head> tag
<style type=”text/css”>
writing-mode: tb-rl;

but as you can see in the attached screenshot, their some empty space on the bottom
(I have set tables width and height as 100% in the C# code)
I tried to play with writing-mode values but still cant get rid of empty space
(for some other combinations for tb-rl, i can fill all the vertical space, but then it will show
empty space horizontally, while I want to occupy full page.
even it exists in the following screenshot on right side as well

Plz help

Second W3C conference for Web Developers

W3C is organizing the second W3Conf: Practical standards for web professionals on February 21-22 at the Regency Center in San Francisco.

Use the ‘w3c’ promo code to get $100 off the price. It’s in less then four weeks, but there is still time to register.

This is a unique opportunity to attend the developer conference organized by the makers of HTML, CSS and SVG, to meet directly with developers, to learn about other relevant standards work, and see great presentations about the Web of today and tomorrow.

We’ve aligned 14 great talks on CSS, HTML5, Javascript and APIs, mobiles, security, accessibility, and from solid professionals like Eric Meyer, Lea Verou, Joshua Davis, Alexis Deveria, CJ Gammon, Janet Swisher, Léonie Watson, Tomomi Imura, Alexandru Chiculita, Ariya Hidayat, Brad Hill, Doug Schepers, Kit Cambridge, Luz Caballero, Nicolas Gallagher, and more.

We hope to see you there! Feel free to invite others to attend by sharing the ‘w3c’ promo code.

Algorithmic modelling: an explanation :-)

Just thought I should give a further explanation as to the nature of “algorithmic modelling” beyond that given in the group’s summary, in order to impress upon the reader the basic applicability and importance of modelling in general

Whenever we humans perceive information through our senses, the end product of such perception is, after a series of transformations, a conceptual model: which may be viewed as a specific type of algorithmic model

In fact, a possible future Community Group, a “Strong AI” group, would define such a conceptual model as a layer over the “reference model” (the output by this group), in which the static “compositional” portion of the model is defined by reference to its corresponding OWL element, and the dynamic portion with reference to its corresponding RIF rule(s)

Another important use for such models could in that of cloud computation, in which the required computation is defined in terms, similarly, of a layer over the reference model, with cloud-specific modifications related to such features as load balancing/apportioning and node aggregation and storage

For more information about modelling, try Googling “OMG MDA” (for the Object Management Group’s Model Driven Architecture)

Referer http request header – unable to identify the originating page with nested iframes


Display advertisements mostly gets served thru iframes.  Per comScore study [1], 61% of iframed ads are delivered via cross-domain or unfriendly nested iframes[3].  Due to the complex chain of online ad delivery thru ad networks and exchanges, it is not always clear where an ad will appear. But it is important for advertisers to know where their ad is being served

Publisher’s adapt iframes to serve display ads to

  1. Play safe – protect the publisher page
  2. Hide things that are not legitimate business practices – categorized as ‘not brand safe’ by comScore due to [2]

In order to safeguard guanine publishers (case 1) and to not to serve the ads in ‘not brand safe’ sites (case 2), I was exploring various options:

One approach could be to, introduce a additional http request header say ‘root-referer’ which carries the value of actual page’s URI.

This would solve the display advertising industry’s problem to large extent.

It would be nice to get this added into the http request header list? or other approach is to enhance ‘Referer’ to include both caller URI and the root URI.



[1] (

[2] piracy and copyright theft, child abuse, phishing, fraud, hate speech, nudity etc


In a webpage, there is a iframe that refers to

And makes the actual ad call to like this:×600&section=1618910&pub_url=

with following http request headers:

here, doesn’t know on which page the ad is going to get served( So, browser need to either include it as part of ‘Referer’ or introduce new header say Root-Referer to contain

Really like the picture element idea

As the subject says, I think the <picture> element is a great idea and to have it follow a similar pattern to the <video> and <audio> elements make sense.

One small change which I think would make more sense from a readability point of view would be rename the attribute ‘srcset’ to just ‘set’.  In its current suggestion the source attribute reads ‘source source set’

<source srcset=”small-1.jpg 1x, small-2.jpg 2x”>

However in the way I have suggested it would read as ‘source set’ and look like the following:

<source set=”small-1.jpg 1x, small-2.jpg 2x”>

Although very minor, but I think it reads much nicer.


SEO is an idea for a business group at w3c by Ben Adam |

I want a group for SEO’s which can show the difference between serious and non-serious SEO’s. There are a lot of non-serious SEO’s and for serious SEO’s it is getting more and more difficult to be accepted as an serious SEO. With this group we want to give a help to all serious SEO and all customers of SEO’s.

Ben Adam

CSS – class `inherit` property?

Would it be practical for an `inherit` property in the CSS standard? The name is merely a suggestion, but it may become confusing since “inherit” is used as a value, so the name is just an example O_o)

The property I’m proposing is a class inheritance property…..

.heading {
border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;

.article-heading {
inherit: ‘.heading’;
border-width:0px 0px 4px 0px;

also, I’m focusing on class inheritance, since ID inheritance would not make much sense semantically. (.-.  )

Is it practical or would it cause unnecessary re-parsing / back-tracking on page load?