
From Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group
(Redirected from F2FVienna:Agenda)

Agenda (time)

03 December Venue: Room D2.2.094 WU

  • 10:30 Welcome & introduction (Axel)
  • 10:45 Round the table (everybody)
  • 11:00 Overall meeting goal and agenda adaptions (see below)
  • 11:30 Use cases (ACTIONS 36-39)
  • 12:15 Taxonomy of Categories of personal data
  • 13:00 LUNCH/COFFEE BREAK (Mensa WU)
  • 14:00 Purposes for personal data handling
  • 14:45 Different kinds of processing involved
  • 15:30 Data subjects, controllers, processors, and recipients
  • 16:15 - 16:30 Wrap-up Day 1
  • 17:00 to 20:00 Semantic Web Meetup (related event, optional)
  • 20:00 Dinner (location to be decided, suggestion: Kolarik's Luftburg)

04 December venue: Room D2.3.103 WU

  • 09:00 Storage & security aspects:
    • storage locations
    • storage duration
    • security measures (including e.g. anonymisation "levels", pseudonymisation)
  • 10:00 Means of legitimation for personal data processing
  • 10:30 COFFEE BREAK
  • 11:00 Plan ahead
  • 12:30 End/Lunch

Remote participation

Dial-in info is available on the group's internal list. Please, add your name (at the bottom) if you plan to participate remotely.

Items to be discussed in Meeting

  • Suggestion by Eva to start with a basis discussion to get a clearer common understanding which purpose the taxonomies to be developed in the DPVCG serve. What is the goal exactly that we want to achieve?
    • -> IMHO this needed since we have a lot of different content and concept discussions going on the mailing list and things are starting to fray out and expand, leaving vagueness to what we actually want to do and making it difficult to define the progress we've made. Clarifying this at the beginning of the Vienna meeting would help in focusing and structuring the inputs more.
  • Work progress so far
    • Discuss vocabularies/taxonomies (addition by Eva: It could also make sense to discuss how to align legal and tech aspects to these)
    • Discuss collected use-cases
  • Proposal by Eva that interested members of the DPVCG get slots to introduce their own work on specific aspects that could be of interest/use to the DPVCG work
    • -> For instance, ULD could present some work we've done on general concepts to model data processing that we think could maybe help the DPVCG
    • -> For instance,some other folks in the DPVCG (Elmar, Niklas?) are working on categories of data - this could also be an interesting start to trigger discussions that maybe bring us forward in this area

Attendees / Participants


  • Elmar Kiesling (4th only)
  • Axel Polleres
  • Eva Schlehahn
  • Rigo Wenning
  • Martin Kurze
  • Harshvardhan Pandit
  • Dave Lewis
  • Bud Bruegger (ULD)
  • Fajar Ekaputra
  • Niklas Kirchner
  • Javier Fernández


  • Bert Bos
  • Simon Steyskal (got sick and may be able to join remotely only :( )
  • Stefano Bocconi (I will try to connect every now and then between meetings or at least follow the IRC)
  • Ramisa Hamed