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Community & Business Groups

Chinese Web Accessibility Community Group

The mission of this group is to help Chinese developers and designers to build an accessible web.

This group will not produce technical specifications.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.


用户代理无障碍规范工作组(UAWG)已经发布了用户代理无障碍规范(UAAG)2.0升级工作稿,以及参考文档:用户代理无障碍规范2.0的解释、实例、资源。请注意如下变更,跟踪状态由推荐标准更改为工作组笔记。UAAG定义了浏览器、浏览器扩展、媒体播放器、阅读器、以及其它用户代理应该如何达成无障碍要求,可以帮助到残障人士并能支持相应的辅助工具。UAAG总览有相应介绍。了解更多应参考Web无障碍推进组织(Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI)


The User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (UAWG) has published updated Working Drafts of User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0 and UAAG 2.0 Reference: Explanations, Examples, and Resources for User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. Please, note the change in Recommendation track status to Working Group Note. UAAG defines how browsers, browser extensions, media players, readers, and other user agents should support accessibility for people with disabilities and work with assistive technologies. It is introduced in the UAAG Overview. Read about the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).


2015年5月21日,W3C HTML工作组(HTML Working Group)发布了在HTML中使用ARIA(Notes on Using ARIA in HTML)的标准工作草案。该文档实际地指导了开发者如何向HTML文档中添加由WAI-ARIA 1.1规范(Accessible Rich Internet Applications specification, WAI-ARIA 1.1) 所规定的无障碍辅助信息,从而使残障人士更容易获得Web内容和访问Web应用。该文档展示了如何在HTML5.1中使用WAI-ARIA,尤其是如何无障碍的使用由Ajax, HTML, JavaScript及相关技术所开发的动态内容及用户界面。

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2015年5月21日,W3C HTML工作组(HTML Working Group)发布了一组HTML5:提供辅助替代文本技巧(HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives)的工作组备忘(Group Note)。 这是HTML工作组和Web无障碍推进组织(Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI)的一项联合工作, 该文档包含了如何为图片提供辅助文本替代信息的最佳实践指南。更多信息请参考HTML 标准工作

注:原文档已被合并至HTML 5.1 中的 alt属性指南

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认知障碍用户研究 第一版公开审阅工作稿发布

我们邀请您审阅认知障碍用户研究的第一版公开审阅工作稿,该文档介绍了患有学习障碍和认知障碍的人士在使用Web技术所面临的挑战,同时,它也提供了基础思路,去为这些用户群体开发无障碍策略和技术。更多信息请参考邮件 Call for Review: Cognitive Accessibility User Research,请在2015年2月13日前发送您的意见。


We invite you to review the First Public Working Draft of Cognitive Accessibility User Research. This planned W3C Working Group Note describes the challenges of using web technologies for people with learning disabilities or cognitive disabilities. It provides a basis for subsequent work to develop strategies and techniques to improve accessibility for these user groups. More information is in the Call for Review: Cognitive Accessibility User Research e-mail. Please send comments by 13 February 2015. (2015-01-15)

IndieUI: Events的标准工作草案更新

2015年1月15日,W3C的独立用户界面工作组(IndieUI Working Group)发布了独立用户界面:事件(IndieUI: Events 1.0)的工作草案更新(updated Working Draft),该工作草案中包含新的事件(Events)以及新定义的技术方法。IndieUI:Events 定义了一组与用户输入方式无关的事件,将依赖于用户输入方式的事件翻译为不依赖于用户输入方式的“高层”简单事件,基于这些简单事件编程可以简化Web应用的设计。例如,如果用户希望向下滚动页面内容,他可以用手指在触摸屏上向下滑动,也可以用鼠标上的滚动球向下滚动,或者使用滚轮,甚至在有些应用中通过语音命令来操纵。在IndieUI中,我们可以定义一个简单的Scroll Down事件,并将上述可能的操作关联到这一简单事件上。这在编写需要面对各种输入设备的Web应用时,将极大简化Web应用的开发。


更多信息,请参阅IndieUI的概述,关于IndieUI: Events更新的相关邮件,及W3C的Web无障碍推进组织(Web Accessibility Initiative)


The IndieUI Working Group today published an updated Working Draft of IndieUI: Events 1.0 – Events for User Interface Independence. This draft includes new events and a refined technical model. IndieUI: Events defines a way for different user interactions to be translated into simple events and communicated to Web applications. (For example, if a user wants to scroll down a page, they might use their finger on a touch screen, or click a scroll bar with a mouse, or use a scroll wheel, or say ‘scroll down’ with a voice command. With IndieUI, these are all sent to the Web app as simply: scroll down.) IndieUI will make it easier for Web applications to work in a wide range of contexts — different devices (such as mobile phones and tablets), different assistive technologies (AT), different user needs. With IndieUI,  Web application developers will have a uniform way to design applications that work for multiple devices and contexts. Comments on this Draft are encouraged by 13 February 2015. Learn more from the IndieUI Overview and the Updated Working Draft: IndieUI Events e-mail; and read about the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).


WCAG 2.0技巧、理解WCAG 2.0 两份更新的工作组备忘

2015年1月8日,W3C的Web内容无障碍指南工作组(WCAG WG)发布了与WCAG 2.0相关的两份工作组备忘(Group Note)的更新,向公众征集意见:

WCAG 2.0技巧(公众审阅版)(Techniques for WCAG 2.0, Public Review Draft)

理解WCAG 2.0(公众审阅版)(Understanding WCAG 2.0, Public Review Draft)

我们欢迎您于2015年1月29日前提交您对这两份文档的意见和建议。注意,这两份工作组备忘不是对WCAG 2.0规范的修改,WCAG 2.0规范的版本(及其中文授权翻译)目前已经稳定。

更多信息,请参阅本文英文原文相关电子邮件,及W3C的Web无障碍推进组织(Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI)


The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG) requests review of draft updates to Notes that accompany WCAG 2.0:Techniques for WCAG 2.0 (Public Review Draft) and Understanding WCAG 2.0 (Public Review Draft). Comments are welcome through 29 January 2015. (This is not an update to WCAG 2.0, which is a stable document.) To learn more about the updates, see the Call for Review: WCAG 2.0 Techniques Draft Updates e-mail. Read about the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).


Web无障碍评估工具列表(Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List) 升级版本已发布。Web无障碍评估工具是帮助确定Web内容是否满足无障碍原则的软件程序或在线服务。关于不同评估工具的信息和功能特性可参阅文档精选的Web无障碍评估工具(Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools)。我们鼓励Web无障碍评估工具提供商贡献关于他们所开发的相关工具的信息,并不断完善这个列表。更多信息,请参阅W3C的Web无障碍推进组织(Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI)


An updated version of the Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List is now available. Web accessibility evaluation tools are software programs or online services that help determine if web content meets accessibility guidelines. Information about features of evaluation tools that help with evaluation is in Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools. Web accessibility evaluation tool vendors are encouraged to submit information about their tool to the list. Learn more about the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).



2014年12月4日,W3C的HTML工作组与Web无障碍计划(WAI)的协议与格式工作组(Protocols and Formats Working Group)联合发布了HTML5图片描述扩展(HTML5 Image Description Extension, longdesc)的提案推荐标准(Proposed Recommendation)。该规范定义了”longdesc”属性,允许Web的开发者为复杂图片提供更长的文本描述,这是W3C确保开放web平台更好服务残障人士的一项工作。该标准草案由HTML无障碍任务组(HTML Accessibility Task Force)与HTML工作组及WAI协议与格式工作组(PFWG)联合制定。W3C在2014年8月发布了该规范的候选推荐标准(Candidate Recommendation)版本。欢迎您于2015年1月16日前提交您的意见和建议。


查看W3C的HTML无障碍任务组(HTML Accessibility Task Force),以了解更多信息。


The HTML Working Group, with the approval of the Protocols and Formats Working Group, has published a Proposed Recommendation of HTML5 Image Description Extension (longdesc). This extension for HTML5 adds a longdesc attribute that is used to provide links to detailed descriptions of images. Comments are welcome through 16 January. Learn more about the HTML Accessibility Task Force which is a joint task force of the two Working Groups.





这次大赛是由中国信息无障碍产品联盟主办,CSDN CODE给力承办。














W3C发布HTML5图片描述扩展(longdesc)的候选推荐标准 征集参考实现

2014年8月12日,W3C的HTML工作组发布了HTML5图片描述扩展(HTML5 Image Description Extension)的候选推荐标准。该规范定义了”longdesc”属性,允许Web的开发者为复杂图片提供更长的文本描述,这是W3C确保开放web平台更好服务残障人士的一项工作。该标准草案由HTML无障碍任务组(HTML Accessibility Task Force)HTML工作组WAI协议与格式工作组(PFWG)联合制定。详情请关于HTML5图片描述扩展征集参考实现的相关邮件。欢迎您于2014年8月26日前提交相关的参考实现。

W3C has published a Candidate Recommendation of the HTML5 Image Description Extension, which defines the “longdesc” attribute that enables web authors to provide longer textual descriptions for complex images. This specification is part of W3C’s work to ensure that the Open Web Platform is accessible to people with disabilities. Please see details in the Call for Implementations: HTML5 Image Description Extension e-mail. Additional implementations are welcome through 26 August 2014.