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Community & Business Groups

Opinion Polling Systems and Virtual Opinion Pollsters

Intelligent personal assistants (i.e. Cortana, Google Assistant, Siri) or other “bots” can schedule and perform opinion polls. Specialized artificial intelligence systems, opinion polling systems or virtual opinion pollsters, can be of use to opinion polling organizations, to news organizations and … Continue reading

American Public School and University Curricula and the Teaching of E-Participation Proficiencies

Public school and university curricula topics include new literacies, computer literacy, Web literacy, collaborative and productivity software literacy, and e-participation proficiencies. The National Council for the Social Studies defines social studies as “the integrated study of the social sciences and … Continue reading

E-Participation, Decision Support Systems, Multi-document Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Bias Mitigation

Collaborative, productivity and e-participation software topics include those of decision support systems and cognitive bias mitigation, including mitigating cognitive biases and fallacies of individual or group reasoning pertaining to misinformation, disinformation, manipulation, spin, persuasion and framing effects. Multi-document natural language … Continue reading

E-Participation and Online Identity Management

Extending the Sitemap protocol can facilitate new conveniences and features for e-participation venues. Presently, in the Sitemap protocol, scalar priorities between 0.0 and 1.0 can be indicated for pages or URL’s. Ideas for extending the protocol include scalars per page … Continue reading

Group Decision Making Software and the Scheduling of Meetings at Venues

Though the Web and collaborative software facilitate the convenience of asynchronous collaboration and virtual meetings, groups, in particular when residing in the same cities, can schedule the use of meeting rooms, presentation rooms and auditoriums. Venues for meetings or events … Continue reading

Educational Technology, Business and Community Scenarios

Educational technology empowers educational systems, businesses, organizations and communities. Technology can provide users with task-based content, advancing productivity, as well as with information in response to their questions, to refresh their knowledge or to facilitate on-the-job training. There is a … Continue reading

Natural Language Technology and Public Opinion Polling

Web-based opinion polls can be enhanced by natural language processing technology. Uses of natural language technology include processing text-based responses to the questions of opinion polls, surveys or questionnaires, including why people answered one or more previous questions as they … Continue reading

The Technology of Meetings, Lectures, Discussion Panels, Dialogues, Argumentation and Debates

The technology of meetings, lectures, discussion panels, dialogues, argumentation and debates are of interest to our group. Some topics in the overlap of artificial intelligence with meetings support technology are discussed, meetings occurring in all organizations, in all sectors, academia, … Continue reading