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Community & Business Groups

The Internet of Moving Things powered by Big Data

Think about what connectivity meant to you in the 1990s, the turn of the millennium, and what it means today. We re- and re-define connectivity and what it means in everyday life; hinting on major technological advancements in a very … Continue reading

The Czech Traffic Management Revolution – a golden opportunity for the exploitation of Big Data technology

One of the best parts of working on innovation projects is meeting inspiring people who pursue ideas revolutionizing industries in ways that only a few years ago seemed impossible. What if you could create a precise, real-time map of the … Continue reading

Embracing the angry tweets – Harnessing social media in public transport

There are heaps of first world problems delivering a stable set of nuisances to us every day. Without doubt, waiting for a delayed bus in early November at a discouraging 8am is one of them. In today’s mega-connected era it … Continue reading

Introducing the BDE Societal Challenges: Smart, Green and Integrated Transport

Our first of a series of blogposts on the Transport challenge was published, click through to read more on how big data can revolutionise transport and the many opportunities that help us get from the technology of today to the … Continue reading