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Community & Business Groups

Software Analysis, Automated Theorem Proving, Plan and Argument Analysis

The technology of static program analysis, automated theorem proving, computer algebra systems, formula editors, automated planning and scheduling, plan rationale, argumentation software, argument analysis software, related document authoring and editing software as well as the features and ergonomics of such software are … Continue reading

Natural Language Technology and Public Opinion Polling

Web-based opinion polls can be enhanced by natural language processing technology. Uses of natural language technology include processing text-based responses to the questions of opinion polls, surveys or questionnaires, including why people answered one or more previous questions as they … Continue reading

The Technology of Meetings, Lectures, Discussion Panels, Dialogues, Argumentation and Debates

The technology of meetings, lectures, discussion panels, dialogues, argumentation and debates are of interest to our group. Some topics in the overlap of artificial intelligence with meetings support technology are discussed, meetings occurring in all organizations, in all sectors, academia, … Continue reading