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Community & Business Groups

Proposed Group: Inter-Platform Validation for Confidential Computing Community Group

The Inter-Platform Validation for Confidential Computing Community Group has been proposed by Florian Guitton: The mission of this group is to discuss and ultimately formalise a communication framework to enable mutual validation and attestation of workloads performed in distinct confidential … Continue reading

Call for Participation in Automated Planning and Scheduling Community Group

The Automated Planning and Scheduling Community Group has been launched: This group will discuss and advance automated planning and scheduling technologies, in particular planning domain definition languages. Using such languages, developers can define planning domains, these including types, predicates, actions, … Continue reading

Call for Participation in Brand Identity Tokens Community Group

The Brand Identity TokensCommunity Group has been launched: This Community Group will develop the Design Tokens Architecture: A methodology to collect, store and distribute design tokens systematically at scale, from simple, single brands, to widely complex, multi-brand organizations. This group … Continue reading