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Community & Business Groups

Call for Participation in Educational Exercises and Activities Community Group

The Educational Exercises and Activities Community Group has been launched: The mission of the Educational Exercises and Activities Community Group is to develop standards for educational exercises and activities and to make recommendations with regard to other standards. In order … Continue reading

Call for Participation in AI KR (Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation) Community Group

The AI KR (Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation) Community Group has been launched: The overall goal/mission of this community group is to explore the requirements, best practices and  implementation options for the conceptualization and specification of domain knowledge in AI. We … Continue reading

Proposed Group: AI KR (Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation) Community Group

The AI KR (Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation) Community Group has been proposed by Paola Di Maio: Editable doc MISSION: The overall GOAL of this community group is to explore the requirements for conceptualization and specification of domain knowledge in … Continue reading

Call for Final Specification Commitments for JSON-LD 1.1 Processing Algorithms and API

On 2018-06-08 The JSON for Linking Data Community Group published the following specification: JSON-LD 1.1 Processing Algorithms and API. This is a call for Final Specification Commitments. To provide greater patent protection for this specification, participants in the JSON for … Continue reading

Call for Final Specification Commitments for JSON-LD 1.1 A JSON-based Serialization for Linked Data

On 2018-06-08 The JSON for Linking Data Community Group published the following specification: JSON-LD 1.1 A JSON-based Serialization for Linked Data. This is a call for Final Specification Commitments. To provide greater patent protection for this specification, participants in the … Continue reading