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Community & Business Groups

Proposed Group: Schema Extensions for IoT Community Group

The Schema Extensions for <abbr title=”Internet of Things”>IoT</abbr> Community Group has been proposed by Michael Koster: This Community Group is for creating extensions to for <abbr title=”Internet of Things”>IoT</abbr> use cases. We have been holding regular community teleconferences since … Continue reading

First Draft of Sports Competition Data Model and Vocabulary published by OpenTrack Community Group

On 2019-01-16 the OpenTrack Community Group published the first draft of the following specification: Sports Competition Data Model and Vocabulary. Participants contribute material to this specification under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA). If you have any questions, please … Continue reading

Call for Participation in ceddl html attribute-based markup and javascript api Community Group

The ceddl html attribute-based markup and javascript api Community Group has been launched: A lightweigt html attribute-based markup and javascript api you used for surfacing digital data on a web application intended for web analytics, website personalization and DMP implementations. … Continue reading

Call for Participation in Computational Legal Decision Support Community Group

The Computational Legal Decision Support Community Group has been launched: Open access of citizens to public information is fundamental for the effective functioning of (democratic) systems. Within the judicial branch this is often guarded both at local as well as … Continue reading

Call for Participation in Knowledge Graph Construction Community Group

The Knowledge Graph Construction Community Group has been launched: The overall goal of this community group is to support its participants into developing better methods for Knowledge Graphs construction. The Community Group will (i) study current Knowledge Graph construction methods … Continue reading

Call for Final Specification Commitments for Web Media Application Developer Guidelines

On 2018-12-18 The Web Media API Community Group published the following specification: Web Media Application Developer Guidelines. This is a call for Final Specification Commitments. To provide greater patent protection for this specification, participants in the Web Media API Community … Continue reading

First Draft of Web Media Application Developer Guidelines published by Web Media API Community Group

On 2018-12-11 the Web Media API Community Group published the first draft of the following specification: Web Media Application Developer Guidelines. Participants contribute material to this specification under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA). If you have any questions, … Continue reading