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Community & Business Groups

Call for Participation in Decentralized Communications Community Group

The Decentralized Communications Community Group has been launched: The mission of this group is to specify and build a reference implementation of Decentralized Communications. Decentralized Communications enables natively inter-operable communication services that are able to trustfully use peer to peer … Continue reading

Proposed Group: Decentralized Communications Community Group

The Decentralized Communications Community Group has been proposed by Paulo Chainho: The mission of this group is to specify and build a reference implementation of Decentralized Communications. Decentralized Communications enables natively inter-operable communication services that are able to trustfully use … Continue reading

Old JavaScript Code Threates Web Sustainability

The following research paper describes the astonishing extent of old JavaScript code with know security problems on the web: What’s needed for better sustainability is a library that allows lookup of JS library by version, with known vulnerabilities. At … Continue reading